First of all, please read the above article before you read
my comments. I am disgusted to the point
of vomit. I am sick of watching all the self-righteous
Pharisees coming out of the church who all have their own agenda. Perhaps everyone should take a break from
their own “celebrity” and get back to reading and practicing the Words of
The huge “UNFORGIVABLE” sin of a man speaking about women in
a degrading way has taken on a life of its own, which is exactly what the opposition
wanted. We are so very moral and self-righteous
the we cannot even think in a rational way.
Everyone is outraged by this, but where were all these voices the last
eight years as we watched our nation become a moral sewer. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Are we really able to keep silent about the
long stream of misdeeds the Democratic opponent carries? Which are not only
immoral but criminal.
What everyone seems to be unable to see is, what about Donald Trump…forget the
presidential candidate; forget the billionaire; forget the celebrity; what
about Donald Trump the man, Church?! I
have watched church leaders get behind him, hail him as the answer to all of
our problems because it fits their own Dominionist agenda. I have listened to so many declare he is a”
born again Christian” but what if he is not.
What if he is part of the countless number of individuals that pass
through church doors every week and remain unsaved.
He grew up under the teaching of Norman Vincent Peale.
If you don’t know who he is or what he taught, I suggest you
read these articles; I did the work for you.
I would guess from the pattern of his life that he never really
connected with the Truth of the Gospel.
So that would make him a lost sinner who is in need of salvation…not a
man who is to be judged by the church.
Oh, and by the way…he apologized, for sins committed 11 years
ago. Don’t we as Christians have a responsibility to
extend grace and forgiveness as we also have been given unmerited grace and
forgiveness? Remember the parable of the unmerciful servant…. And all these
politicians that are appalled, they are no better than the Pharisees waiting to
stone the woman, they were just not caught.
Again, the hypocrisy is disgusting…to support the allegations of a
campaign calling the kettle black…Clinton has openly threatened the Christian
Community…that is the alternative folks…get it?
Here is an opportunity to reach out to a soul that God has
humbled and help him find Christ…even Pence, his “Christian” running mate
humiliated him rather than reaching out and standing with him to support his
repentance. He hurt the campaign by
doing that.
All of you who are so disgusted by Trump need a reality
check…God can do oh so much with a lost sinner…but those who are criminal and
evil in their doings, are they preferred because they are “female”? has the
church become feminist?
Let’s get back to the work of the Gospel and put our
offenses and politics away…let’s take hold of faith and pray for this man and
his family to be saved…a newly saved president is better than a godless liberal
one who would prefer to eradicate our doctrine.
Wake up, the hour is late.
I agree with everything you said..... Praying eyes opened to the opponent and believers wise up.